How to find High Authority Domains

Expired domains are one of the valuable virtual assets and if used correctly with due care you can make a good amount of money. Basically it is all about getting link juice from sites having authority or having good metrics (PR, PA and DA).
Here I am talking about getting link juice from your own domains having good metrics and expired domains are a top-notch option for doing so.
Unless you are a big brand or a multinational company it can be a cumbersome and very difficult task as well as risky to get links in a short period of time. But you can easily do it so by expired domains.
It is like having the water tap in your hand and you can release the water whenever you want. You can pass link juice to whichever of your site you want and for whatever time as per your choice.
So today I am going to list down various ways to find expired domains and that too in the most affordable way.
Note: NameCheap is best for buying cheap new domains.
Basically there are three ways to get domains with high authority.

Domains that have expired

The expired domains are the cheapest one because you just have to pay the domain registration fee (around $10). But as it’s cheaper, it’s extremely hard to find good quality domains here.
Don’t worry I have laid down a complete strategy to help you find out expired domains later here.

Domains that have expired and are being auctioned

The domains that are being auctioned are pretty costly and I am telling you this straight away. But you will really get great quality over here, seriously.

Domains that are about to expire but still hasn’t (Pending delete)

Pending delete domains is the best option to go with, they are not much costly and you will get good quality too.

The Anatomy of Expired Domains

Here you will see and understand to each question that came to my mind when I was a complete newbie. So let’s get started.

What are expired domains and do they help in ranking websites in Google

Domain names have a validity after which they expire and go back in the common pool available for everyone. Generally domain names are registered with a validity of 1 year. After 1 year if the owner does not wish to buy it, it expires.
For example there was one event and a website was made for registration and advertisement. After the event was over, there is no use of the website. Therefore, after the validity period the domain name which was used for that particular website will be available.
Let me tell you a golden truth; thousands of domain names expire every day and are available for everyone including you and me.
Expired domains already have backlinks. The crux of expired domains is to find one with quality backlinks. The one which has good backlinks will give you a great boost in rankings.
On the other side, bad backlinks (spammy ones) will make no difference at all or reduce your rankings.
There aren’t many great tools for checking backlinks and the one which we prefer is aHrefs.

Which domain can be called a good expired domain

When you are looking for an expired domain you will find thousands of expired domains and obviously some of them are only going to be of a great quality, so instead of just looking at the PR(Page Rank) of your site start considering looking at the backlinks of the domain.
If you find some good backlinks then go for it and if not, leave it.
After analyzing the backlinks of the domain if you don’t find something shady like links from adult, pharmacy sites etc. then look at the domain authority which should be greater than or somewhere near to 30.
Some other metrics include trust flow and citation flow both of which should be greater than or equal to 15.

The best way to find expired domains is

At you can find hundreds of domains. But beware of them as most of them will be crap.
Hopefully they have some good filters which lets you kick out domains that aren’t good enough.
Search for any keyword and select the following filters in Common Filter section.

Head over to AdWords & SEO Filter and select the following two filters.

By selecting these filters most of the trash will be out of your way in the discovery of valuable and profitable domains.
By applying these filters you will get a list of so called good domains but your work doesn’t end here.
Now sort them according to the DA (Domain Authority) from top to lowest.
The list that is displayed on your screen is the list that you have to audit in terms of Google Indexation and backlink profile for each domain.
Google Indexation can done by typing in the variable
If you find your website pages after hitting enter, it means your website is indexed.
For example, if I am searching that this domain itself is indexed or not, I’ll type in Google and hit enter.
Search for theprofitjam and look at the results.
Moving on for checking backlink profile the tool that we prefer is aHrefs.
Just go to aHrefs and type in the domain name and once again hit enter. Every data you need for evaluating the website’s backlinks worth will be available.
Now let’s get clear that this task of finding some good and valuable expired domains is like finding pearls in an ocean. You won’t get everyday a shining pearl or you may not even get pearls every day.
A simple solution to this is to go and search for beads daily. Search for domains daily and audit them. You don’t have to search them all day, 30 minutes a day is enough.
You will find great domains when you are lucky and obviously not daily.

How to get High Authority domains from Pending Delete

This is one of our favorite ways of getting high authority domains. It’s fast, not much costly and the quality of domains is very good.
If you are not aware of this option let me clarify. When the domain name gets expired it passes through different stages one of which is Pending Delete.
If the domain reaches this stage, the previous owner cannot buy this and it will be deleted after exactly 5 days.
For these five days the registrar is the owner of the domain name and it can do whatever it thinks fit.
Accordingly they may sell it straight away or auction the domains if they think the domain is valuable enough to fetch some good amount.
This auction is called Backorder.
To find these domains just go to the pending delete(use this link after logging in your free account) section in, apply the above mentioned filter and then sort it by DA or PA or PR.
Some good domain names may come in your hand through backordering them. There are three major players in the world of backordering.
They are:
When you find a good domain than backorder it with any one of them or all of them to make it sure you get the domain name.
In general any one of them will catch it and the domain name is all yours.
The cost of backordering starts from $60 and above but you pay them only if they catch a domain for you so that is fair enough.

How to get good domains from Auctions

In an auction someone or the registrar itself puts up the expired domain for selling it and the people interested will bid on the domain.
In auctions your work is much reduced because good domains are only considered by auctioneers for the auction.
GoDaddy Auctions is a very popular service for auction of domains. Just head over to it and find in some good auctions going on.
Generally at the end of the auction i.e. before 2-3 hours you get the real price as if it is a good one people will be bidding on them for sure.
The domains can go expensive if you are purchasing them via auctions but at the end what you get is a pure gold and you can use them the way you want.

The End

Domain name industry is much vast and there are a few big players such as GoDaddy or which are handling them; though new players are entering which means there will be a competition.
Competition is always good for a customer. :)
But we are here for a good domain name that will enhance our website in the eyes of Google.
As per the Google’s guidelines it is clearly evident that Google has good respect for old domains with good metrics.
By using the above methods you can definitely have some best domains in your inventory and use them at your advantage. These are golden virtual assets.
What are your thoughts on purchasing expired domain names? Share here with us!
How to find High Authority Domains How to find High Authority Domains Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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