Optimizing Video For Search Engines

If you use video on your Web site or blog you should optimize for search engines just as you do for textual content.

One of the ways to optimize video is to create a customized video player widget for your Web site or blog audience. The key to video search optimization is video sharing.

Create a video site map and build a page for each video. Optimize the page using title tags and link from your index page to your video page. Use a constant video description and title across all sites.

Getting other people to embed your video into their blog or Web site can really prove valuable.

Sending an email to video search engines can help you get added to their crawl queues.

Track how well received your video is using analytics. Do testing to find out what videos receive a positive response and to determine where to place links to your video from your index page.

Title the video with something that is relevant and use rss/mrss.

Do not use tag spam, flash only and dynamic players. Stay away from pop up players as well.

Video search is popular and video is a good way to build your brand and mange your online reputation.
Optimizing Video For Search Engines Optimizing Video For Search Engines Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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