A/B Testing Your Ads To Increase Your Revenue

If you have a website and you are monetizing it with Google AdSense, Chitika Ads, Clicksor, and other ad serving platforms, then you have to understand that it is important to keep your CTR and RPM high. Your CTR is what will affect your revenue. Higher the number of clicks on these CPC ads, higher is your overall website revenue. The interesting part is that you can improve your CTR rate and ad visibility. There is a smart way to create the find the best performing Adsense ad units. This is where split testing is needed.

It means that you’ll compare multiple ads (different ad location, size, color, font, etc) by showing different ad units to different visitors on your website. Over time, you will notice that some ad variations are performing better than the others and you’ll find your best variations. Don’t take this lightly; small variations can result in as high as 475% increase in revenues. You can check some of the case studies shown by this website Adpushup.
For example, testing between the medium rectangle and large rectangle, at the same spot could be a good case. The difference in size of both the units is very little, but the effect on your CTR could be very high.
Putting ads in your website is a simple thing to do, but the real goal should be to earn from those ads in the most optimized manner. Therefore, split testing is needed to do just that. Large publisher are spending big dollars on analytics, just to find out the best pattern to place ads in their website. But, you don’t need to spend as much.
While you can always do your split testing manually, it is always better for you to do it using an automated tool. It will reduce the hassles of managing your ads and keeping track of what works and what doesn’t work.
There are many services that will help you to increase the effectiveness of your website ads. The purpose of those services is to maximize your conversion rate (ad click) or ad revenue by doing automated split testing, with data tracking available for you 24/7. You can always monitor the result in real time in your dashboard. What those services are doing is that they are essentially giving you a platform (or software) that will enable you to do A/B split testing automatically instead of manually, which will definitely save you time and effort in the process.
A/B split testing is one good way to eliminate any ineffective ads units that are not performing. Without applying this method, you won’t be able to maximize your ad revenue because most of the time, you’re putting your ads in the wrong place, with a wrong combination or pattern. If you don’t fix it immediately, you will likely earn the same low amount of revenue every month. That’s why it is a wise decision for you to incorporate A/B split testing to your monetization strategy and increases your ad revenue.

Vipin is a Social Media consultant offering Online branding to local business. He often split tests ads for his clients to get maximum ROI.
A/B Testing Your Ads To Increase Your Revenue A/B Testing Your Ads To Increase Your Revenue Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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