Top 15 Internet Marketing Blogs

We are today presenting a list of top 15 internet marketing pop-stars you should be like. We have not ranked them according to their features but according to what we have gained from them. You may have a different perspective and that’s perfectly good.

The list can become much bigger than what it is here but we thought it to make it sweet and short so that you do not get lost in gigantic list of prominent personalities on the web. Instead with this small list you will learn from each of them and not just scroll down the list and walk away.
There’s a word for every one on the list about what we have learnt from them and probably what you can learn too.
After the infographic there is some text which you’d love to see as we have written actually what we gained from them. And what you can too.
1. – Matt runs his blog in his own name. He writes about link building, traffic generation, social media, conversion rate optimization and much more.
We’ve started this blog by reading one of his posts ‘Top 100 blogs in 12 months’.
2. – you must have heard about this blog the author of which is Pat Flynn. He basically writes everything about earning money online.
His income reports helped us a lot in positive motivation because they were huge and still are.
3. –Spencer Haws is the person behind this site. He shares almost everything that’s needed to move up your SERPs. He is the owner and creator of Long Tail Pro.
Case studies shared by him actually were the ones that we loved and got benefited from.
4. – this website is run by Brian Dean. He’s an international marketing expert and specifically writes about getting traffic from search engines.
The thing that helped us about him was his actionable advice. I mean you can apply just after reading it.
5. – Neil Patel blogs on this blog regularly. He shares almost every drop of advice that can help you reach more people online. He gives his advice to some of Fortune 500 companies.
The idea of creating this infographic came up in my mind from his blog.
6. – Two people Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti run EF. They both are awesome at creating sites from ZERO to something higher and selling it for up to 20x more money.
What we loved about them was their tips and shares about selling niche websites online.
7. – Derek Helpern is the founder of Social Triggers. He writes about convincing people or negotiating or persuation – basically the social side of a person with a mix of blogging.
His blog has helped us knowing social triggers about persons on the web.
8. Dollars and – Jeff and Mandy Rose both are big bloggers. Jeff own a blog in finance niche and Mandy in the beauty niche, they have dominated their niche completely. They share their experience and how did they become such big bloggers at dollars and roses, if you are starting a new blog than this blog will make you feel like heaven seriously.
9. – Lewis Ogden is behind CloudIncome. He started his blog in Sep. 2013. Being new his tips were good. He shares about what is needed to make money online when you are just starting out. What we liked here is his new startup (this blog) as he started couple of months ago (same as us:)) and is now doing awesome.
10. – Amy Porterfield is like the Ace in the field of social media and specially Facebook. Her tips on improving your Facebook fans their engagement and anything related to Facebook are just special. Her blog and podcast are a must follow to increase your social media power.
11. – Jeff Goins is the founder of GoinsWriter. He is a writer and shares the world’s best advice on how to write better blog posts. He’s guy you should read to improve your writing skills.
Fact – Due to his immense writing skills he got a Guest Post published on Smart Passive Income.
12. – Michael Stelzner is the CEO and founder of Social Media Examiner. He along with his team has done an amazing work online in the field of social media. We have been following this blog for a while and learnt many vital aspects of social media.
13. – Glen Allsopp, a young mastermind created ViperChill and he gained enormous success with it. He shares some of the real case studies and all other things required to start a good earning blog in his own style. At 20 he sold a personality development website for five figures.
14. – Jon Cooper is the soul behind this awesome link building site. He explains every concept of link building in whatever manner you can imagine. He has done more than enough research in link building and you can learn almost any kind of link building on his website for sure.
15. – Alex Becker runs this blog. He is one of the persons who are paid in millions of dollars for SEO consultancy. He shares some of the gold data to crush Google searches and move up online. Basically we learned to play with Google safely at Source Wave.
Top 15 Internet Marketing Blogs Top 15 Internet Marketing Blogs Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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