How to monetize your Website

To make money out of your website you need to monetize it in one or the other way. So here I have listed some of the best ways to monetize your website.

Method #1
Display Advertising – It’s the most widely used monetization method on the internet. Basically display advertising is putting an Ad on your website and you will get paid when someone clicks on the ad, so you are getting paid per click. This type of monetization is really very simple and easy to implement, all you have to do is copy and paste the code in your header tag and that’s it.
If you have these things Display Advertising is made for you!
Your website is solely based on Information – Meaning you have a website which gives knowledge on any topic than its good for you because when people will come to your website to research something and as they are in the researching mode when they will see any related ads they will definitely click on it and in this way Display advertising gives the best results for information based websites
Your website is getting Browsers rather than Buyers – Meaning you are getting people to your website just for browsing you will not get a good amount of sales directly but if you apply Display Ads they might go to the sponsors ads to find some more information and I bet it converts more and better than Selling things directly from your website to Browsers.
So if you have a good amount of Browsers looking for the best information you can apply Display Advertising and it will work great for you.
Method #2
Affiliate Marketing – It’s a very powerful way to make money. As Spiderman says with great power comes great Responsibility it applies even here, let’s see how. So basically affiliate marketing is telling your audience to buy other people’s stuff and when someone completes the purchase you get a commission.
And there are hundreds of products and services out, some are good some are bad, you should always promote the products you have personally used because otherwise you would not be able to know the quality of the product or service and you don’t want to misguide your audience.
So you have the Great Power of promoting any product of the world (Obviously related to your topic), but you have to act responsible and promote only the product you have actually used. And over 75% people on the internet are not following what Spiderman taught them and as a result they lost all the core values of humanity, they lost the trust, relationship, loyalty people have with their brand.
So you better be careful!
If you have these things Affiliate Marketing is made for you!
Your website is getting Buyers – Meaning your website is getting traffic of people in buying mode then you can seriously make some good money out of it. It’s that simple – people want to buy and you are providing them the website from which they can purchase and you make money by acting as a bridge.
Your website is solely based on Product comparison and reviews – Meaning your website is based on helping people at the time of making their purchase by providing them comparison, reviews and guides. Then this will make the most compared to others.
So if you have website which is solely based on product reviews, comparison and guidelines and getting targeted traffic then Affiliate Marketing it the best choice.

How to monetize your Website How to monetize your Website Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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