How to manage multiple affiliate accounts like a pro?

Some of the best ways to monetize your website are displaying ads, being an affiliate or selling your own course. Most of the people and especially starters prefer becoming an affiliate marketer or displaying ads (Adsense, etc.).
By affiliate marketing you can earn huge commissions as against Adsense which gives you only some cents for a click. Earning from Adsense is much easier than by affiliate marketing because it requires a trust factor between you and the visitor.
Still many people go for affiliate marketing due to its lucrative returns. The best affiliate marketers try to get as many affiliate products as they can around their content and you should do it too. Nothing is wrong in that as far as you’ve used it or at least tried it.
I did the same and signed up for every company that is related to our niche and is providing us affiliate commissions. Yes, I’ve used their products too. The real crux of the story starts when you have signed up for number of companies. It’s very difficult to manage them altogether.
I am promoting 7 products from 7 different companies just after 2 months of starting this blog. As this blog will grow by the time I will have to create new affiliate accounts and the problem will become bigger. Affiliate management will become cumbersome.
Imagine you have 50 affiliate accounts and all are earning you money, so if you want to track all your earnings you will have to daily or weekly login to 50 different accounts just to check your earnings. It’s very unproductive and to simply say you are wasting your time.
There’s even more; can you analyze your affiliate income, can you optimize your affiliate income or can you A/B test your affiliate income altogether for every account? The answer is a Big NO!
Affiliate marketing is a big part of any website’s monetization but it’s very time-consuming to manage all your accounts.
So is there any way to solve this problem? Well I researched on this problem and found a pretty good solution to it, it’s called Affiliboard.
Affiliboard is a cloud based tool which gathers data from all your affiliate accounts and shows on one screen. The most annoying thing before Affiliboard was to daily log in to my 10 affiliate accounts and check the earnings but now I just login to my Affiliboard account and it’s done.
So, by now you know that Affiliboard can solve your problem, but now let’s see how Affiliboard works and how you can use it for your benefit?

Affiliboard Tutorial and Review

How does Affiliboard works?

As you know Affiliboard gathers all your affiliate earnings data and gathers it at one place, but how does it do that? In Affiliboard first of all you have to enter your credentials of your affiliate accounts than it will gather all the data not just earnings but clicks, Click Through Rate (CTR) etc. too.
You have to do it for your every affiliate account once, than you can see all the data gathered at one place. Affiliboard updates all your affiliate accounts every day.

How to use Affiliboard?

Sign up for free at Affiliboard. Click here to go to the registration page.

After that you will get this screen, here you will see all the affiliate networks it supports(all major networks supported), so pick your affiliate networks and fill up the details to get started. – (It’s damn easy!).
After selecting the network and entering the details, you will have to add your site and assign it with the affiliate network you just added. By this you will be able to know exactly which of your sites is earning how much.
E.g. If I have a website and I am monetizing this website with Adsense, so I will first of all enter the credentials of my Adsense account in the first screen and then create a new site name This will show me how much my site is earning from Adsense.
So that after adding all your networks and sites it will be greatly organized and you’ll be able to know exactly where your earnings are coming from.
See! It’s a tool made for gathering all your data at one place and its super beneficial and it also allows us to see our data of each site and each network segmented. Suppose if you just want to see the earnings of your particular network or a particular site, it will do the job flawlessly.
Yes, it’s that easy to add a network and attach a site to it, so first of all add all your sites and networks to it one by one. This is an amazing piece of software but they just didn’t stopped here.
They even added the support of Google Analytics (GA) to it. You can also link your GA account here and view how much traffic came and how much money did you make with that traffic, just awesome.
After adding all your affiliate accounts, sites and Google Analytics, click the Overview button on the upper left corner and you will be stunned by seeing all your details at just a single place.
Sign up for Affiliboard from here for free!

Affiliboard Dashboard Overview

In the dashboard there are 4 graphs which gives you a detailed look at all the aspects of your affiliate accounts at once.
#1 – Earnings and Visits/ A Comparison Widget
Here you can compare anything from earnings, visits, sales, leads, and clicks to each other. But I like to see the earnings and visits graph every day, it’s just good to know how much people came to your websites daily and how much in total did you make at a glance.
# 2 – Top Networks by Earnings
All your earnings (it can be sales, leads, clicks, visits, etc.) have been sorted by the networks like Amazon or Adsense or Clickbank. Basically you can see how your affiliate networks are performing.
And you can even change the chart type of this data, so if you don’t like the default pie chart you can change that to line chart or area chart, though the most preferred option for this type of data is pie but it’s just for anybody who want even more options.
# 3 – Top Sites by Earnings
Here you can see all your earnings (it can be sales, leads, clicks, visits, etc.) sorted by your sites. Now you can see how much all of your sites earned you every day and how much each of the sites is performing daily.
Just hover on the pie chart to see how each of your site performed. You can even select different options other than your earnings like clicks, leads, sales, etc. to see how much sales or leads your sites are getting.
# 4 – Top Channels by Earnings
Here you can see how all your channels are performing.
But what exactly do these guys mean by saying channels? Channels are all those ids Amazon, Adsense or any other affiliate network allow us create to differentiate our earnings from our different sites or areas.
For example, you have 3 sites and all are being monetized by Amazon’s affiliate program. In Amazon you get an option to create new tracking-ids and then you can assign the tracking-id to your every individual site to differentiate each site’s earnings.
In Affiliboard these tracking-ids are Channels; it scans all your tracking-ids and lets you see how much money you are making from each of your tracking-id individually.
This even applies to Adsense as it gives you ad units. So you can see how your each ad unit is performing all at once for all your sites. This is extremely useful when you have five Adsense accounts for example and you can aggregate all your data and see at just one place.
So in short this widget makes your affiliate earnings data even more clear, rather than showing you just your earnings it also shows you from where did you made this money too.

My sites Tab Overview

It shows you how each of your websites are performing in terms of making money. I have two websites and you can see it’s showing me how they are performing.
When I clicked on my Adsense site and it’ll show how my Adsense site is performing. I just monetized this site by Adsense so there are just Adsense earnings but it’s not the case all the time. If you are monetizing you site by multiple affiliate accounts plus Adsense, then it will show here each and every affiliate network and aggregate all your earnings. This is the main reason I love this software.

Networks tab overview

You can view here how all your affiliate networks are performing. It’s quite possible that you have an Adsense account with 2-3 websites and you’re using the same Adsense account to monetize all those sites.
You also monetize all these sites by Amazon’s affiliate program and 2-3 other affiliate programs. So if you want to see how much all your different affiliate networks are making for you, just click on the networks tab.
And you can see how each of your affiliate networks is making you by clicking the respective affiliate network.

Channels Tab Overview and Understanding

You can see all your channels be it from Amazon, Adsense, Clickbank, etc. It’s pretty simple when you add a new network you are asked to assign a site to it, but channels are just scanned from the affiliate network by the bot of Affiliboard. Most of the time Affiliboard assigns right channels to the right site but when you have high number of channels in your affiliate network Affiliboard by default will add all the channels to the site you mentioned, so if you want to assign the remaining channels to their respective sites you have to use this tab.
This much features Affiliboard has got. It’s very cool and it’s going to save you and me a lot of time. It will even make us more money by optimizing our affiliate networks.
But I still have one question in my mind which can refrain me using Affiliboard and that’s –
Sign up for Affiliboard from here for free!

How secure is Affiliboard?

I mean I am going to enter all my affiliate account details at one single place. It is very easy to steal from one place rather than different places.
Can’t anybody use all that details and redeem all my money? If that happens instead of saving my time anyone can pretty much destroy my business? Right!
But don’t worry, Affiliboard has a very secure system of saving your data – let me explain you how.
When you first enter your details on the website it gets encrypted and then it’s sent to their database, every time you enter a single new detail about your affiliate networks.
After receiving your data from your affiliate networks it aggregates the data and then it decrypts your data and sends it to the server so you can see it in your dashboard.
The Affiliboard’s whole website is secured by the COMODO’s SSL certificate so every detail you enter is encrypted and even Affiliboard’s employees can’t even see that.
One more thing to say to you is that the communication between the Affiliboard’s servers is always done by encryption of data, so you just don’t have to worry.
I’m using this software from the last 6 months and had no problem, so you can trust them by that manner.
We have seen all the good things about Affiliboard. No system in this world is 100% advantageous. There are some limitations every system or software present on Earth. So is the case with Affiliboard.

Limitations of Affiliboard

  1. It supports only major networks
As mentioned earlier all major networks are supported. But what about the minor ones? If you are promoting a product from Clickbank then its okay but if you are promoting a product from a network that is not known by many people there are chances that it will not be there in their panel.
There is a remedy to this but it’s kind of technical and time-consuming. You have to import you own data using their API.
Be sure to check if your network is supported by them or not. Anyways here is the list of affiliate networks that are currently supported by Affiliboard.
This was the only limiting factor. However you can email them if your affiliate network is missing. They will try to add it as soon as they can.


Hence, you have seen how Affiliboard works, how to use it, is it secured or not and how much beneficial it is.
I recommend you to use this software for nothing but just for saving your time by not logging in to every affiliate network you promote.
Just sign up for one month as it is free exclusively from here only and see the magic of your affiliate data. Maybe you will find something important by seeing all data together! Who knows!
If you register from here you’ll get your first month for free. Register Now!
Will you use Affiliboard if you’ve more than three affiliate accounts and three websites?
How to manage multiple affiliate accounts like a pro? How to manage multiple affiliate accounts like a pro? Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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