Marketing your Website!

Marketing is something that you will definitely need for your website. There are billions of websites on the internet every minute thousands are born. So if you want that people come to know your website you have to market it effectively.

And without creating any backlinks by yourself, it seems like it is very tough to create backlinks but it is actually not. There are many ways to create traffic even without a single Google ranking. This is main aspect at that will make you stand up from others.
Various ways to market your site effectively are as under:
1. Helping People – forums can be a great source to get visitors to your site. Forums are like discussion places where people all over the globe are constantly discussing some or other thing on a particular subject and the good news is that there is a forum on web on every subject you can imagine.
People discuss their problems, advantages and anything at forums on their particular subjects. What you have to do is provide a better and efficient solution or a good advice that is not present on the forum and you will certainly get liked by the people in a very less time. And trust me you can do this very easily if you love the subject or are really interested in it.
At first you will solve problems on the forum itself so that the value given by you on forum increases and eventually you will post links to your website on the forum describing the solution or advice to the problem.
The best way to start is Yahoo Answers by answering questions asked by people.
2. Facebook – Ya! Facebook has that strength that can give your site many extra readers and many importantly potential visitors. Because the people who likes your page on Facebook will also like your content on your website.
You can easily start by sharing it with your friends and the number of likes that you get will increase exponentially.
Suppose you have 500 friends and out of those 250 friends share your Facebook page and if we assume that those 500 friends also have 500 friends each, than 250×500=125000 people will see it. There are very good chances that 30-40% may have a visit to your site.
Making a Facebook page can get you people hooked for life time.
3. Twitter & YouTube – I have put them together because they are complementary to each other. Twitter gets you followers and YouTube will better enhance your followers with some explanatory videos.
You can use Twitter to get visitors to your site too.
I have added Twitter and YouTube in addition to Facebook because some people are on Twitter and not on Facebook. For YouTube it is the biggest video sharing platform in the world.
This will also give you natural backlinking that is required for the search engine ranking that in effect will drive you more visitors.
4. E-mailing – You can just email your contacts and can tell them that you have started a website on a particular subject. You can also tell them if they have any problems related to your subject and you can help them.
Other than this you can also request your email contacts to forward your email to their contacts if they want it. These can you potential visitors to your site and they are most beneficial for you.
5. SMS your friends – if you have friends other than those on Facebook you can simply send a message about your website opening and latest updates to their mobile phones.
This can give them personalized information in a much compiled way.
6. Make a product for free – This option can be somewhat difficult as it involves more amount of time to make a product that can be useful for others.
You are reading this as a free product and it involved around 2 months to create this valuable content so that persons like you are reading this with interest and considering value to this.
For product you can make an e-book or an audio book of that e-book in addition as a gift. You can give link to your sites in the e-book.
You can also create a report on something special having some important statistics that are tailor made by you and not available anywhere else.
You can make a viral video that will shared by thousands of people related to your subject.
By doing this you will create awesome content and valuable data for free that is useful to many people outside.
Above 6 steps can make visible on the web and gets you noticed at least by bunch of people. This will give you motivation to go ahead and make something new every time.
By looking at all the steps together an idea came in my mind to integrate all or some of the above options so that your overall strategy can improve.
You can do like this for example. You can create a product, than e-mail, SMS, post on Facebook and Tweet on Twitter about that product. Or you can build a video and do the above things to share your video and eventually get visitors.
Important to Note:
Have you noted something important by reading above points? If no, then read this.
After uploading a video on YouTube you can also get traffic from YouTube alone apart from Google. And if your video is really helpful (which you should always make) it will rank on YouTube and this will help boost your rankings in Google too. In short this all will increase your SEO without any SEO efforts. You are just creating what people want.
Facebook likes, Twitter followers and YouTube subscribers will make your over all reputation stronger as it clearly suggests that people like you and your website. And Google likes the trust of people for ranking your website apart from others.
While you are in forums you can get potential visitors and they eventually will get addicted to you as you are providing them to the point solutions. Your website name will be engraved in their mind and they will wait for any of your updates eagerly.
Overall you are just building your website and SEO is done automatically. You are just helping others and backlinking is done automatically by others.
Marketing your Website! Marketing your Website! Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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